Don’t Keep Your Leads Waiting

Design proactive outbound strategies to shorten sales cycles.

Respond the Moment Your Leads Raise Their Hand

Smarter Outbound Communication

Lead data and lead follow-up processes shouldn’t live in separate tools. CallTrackingMetrics brings together marketing, sales, and customer service teams in a single platform with data and tools to improve experiences at every part of the customer journey. 

Easily accomplish revenue-driving tasks like:

  • Calling leads as soon as a form is submitted
  • Sending text message meeting reminders
  • Automating missed call follow ups
  • Nurturing unconverted leads with text and call drips
Blue phone with arrow intimating motion

No More Missed Opportunities

Trigger follow ups immediately after a missed call

Automated and Personalized

Customize workflows to meet your audience where they are


Regulatory frameworks built-in to deter spam and misuse

One Hub for All Your Outbound Communications

A Business Phone as Smart as Your Cell 

Desk phones are limiting. You can’t travel with them and they do very little beyond making and receiving calls. The CallTrackingMetrics softphone powers all your communications, and goes well beyond basic calling features. It also sends and receives SMS text messages, leverages dynamically generated call scripts, and can be used anywhere you have an internet connection.

With a softphone you can:

  • Set your availability to avoid missed calls when you’re offline
  • Make calls right from inside your Salesforce account
  • Use coaching tools and call scripts in real-time
  • Score, transfer, and attribute your communications
Softphpone pane

Connecting Your team and Your Audience

From list upload to conversation—before your competition even begins dialing. Build custom lists for outbound campaigns and automatically begin conversations when your team is available. Intelligently leverage your team’s schedule and availability to effortlessly reach your audience.

Engage with Strategic Automation

Customize actions to prioritize your most valuable opportunities. Activate outbound communications and follow ups based on a nearly endless set of criteria. Create a salesforce task, score a sales call, or engage directly with prospects with our automated workflow builders.

Avoid Spam and Stay Compliant

Compliance tools and features to help you have more meaningful customer conversations and avoid spam. We stay on top of regulatory updates to give you the best chance of your audience picking up the phone with confidence.

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Finding Business Success with CTM Text Messaging 

Discover how ContactCloud leverages messaging automation to attract and retain clients and drive growth.

Explore Firsthand How We Remove Friction from Your Outbound Communications