The Benefits of Using Call Triggers for Your Salesforce Integration

With thousands of organizations around the world using Salesforce to manage their customer and lead information, it’s no surprise that our Salesforce integration is one of our most essential tools for customers. What makes CallTrackingMetrics stand out is that we are one of the only call tracking providers offering a bi-directional Salesforce integration with our software, meaning your call and customer information can sync back and forth between both platforms. The bi-directional integration helps reduce human error and ultimately leads to a better experience and increased productivity, since both systems are in sync with the most up-to-date information. As our integration has evolved, more and more customers are adopting Call Triggers as an integral part of their process. To learn more about how this works and why you might consider exploring this route for your own organization, we chatted with our Business Analyst and certified Salesforce aficionado, Merry Keane.
We’ve made quite a few changes to the way we can send call data to Salesforce. What’s new?
Across the past few months, we’ve made a number of enhancements related to Call Triggers with Salesforce. Previously, customers using our legacy integration were limited to one set of actions that would be applied to all calls in an account, give or take some filter options. A one-size-fits-all solution isn’t always the right fit for an enterprise, which is where Call Triggers come in. Call Triggers offer the most flexibility for you to execute actions in your account according to your unique business logic and workflow. Using Call Triggers, you can customize exactly how, when, and what data and types of records CallTrackingMetrics will create and/or update in Salesforce. This is especially helpful for our customers because there’s often a need to take different types of actions at certain points throughout a call, such as routing to a particular team or agent.
We also recently introduced Monitors, which will execute a bi-directional query to check for Salesforce records (CTM previously linked to) that meet certain criteria. You can execute a Call Trigger to take a specific action and automatically make an update based on your desired outcome, and this data will be reflected automatically in both Salesforce and CallTrackingMetrics. An example of this would be a lead that has been converted, or one that remains unconverted. When the Monitor finds the converted lead in Salesforce, you could then use the Call Trigger to update a field such as the Reporting Tag in the call log in CallTrackingMetrics and update this to “Qualified.” Alternatively, if the lead remains unconverted, you can use the Call Trigger to send this contact to a Smart Dialer.
What are the benefits of using the legacy integration as opposed to implementing Call Triggers? Who would you recommend it to?
The legacy integration (otherwise known as our standard, one-size-fits-all Salesforce integration) is an easy way to get your accounts connected quickly. I’d recommend it to teams who need their account set up “yesterday.” The legacy integration offers default record and field settings that we will create and update, or if you’d prefer you can customize your field mapping to include custom fields you’ve created for your organization. There are still opportunities for advanced routing, and if you use Monitors, you’ll still benefit from the bi-directional syncing of Salesforce and CallTrackingMetrics.
Ultimately, it will depend on your own organization’s goals and needs for whether you want to build out Call Triggers for Salesforce. With the increased level of functionality and customization, Call Triggers are a great next step for organizations looking to enhance and further the customer journey data in both Salesforce and CallTrackingMetrics.
Interested in setting up the legacy integration or Call Triggers for Salesforce?
To explore more about the basics of what you can do with Salesforce and CallTrackingMetrics, check out this article in our Support hub. For advanced support and help configuring your unique business needs, our team is a great resource and offers consultative services — contact us for more info!