
CTM Blog


Never Miss Another Phone Call: Software Solutions for Addiction Treatment Facilities

by Hannah Hanover

What would your addiction treatment center do with another $1 million a year?

Addiction treatment facilities invest heavily in creating touch points for clients. Whether it’s a billboard, PPC ad, or Instagram reel bringing in a live chat, text, or phone call, driving  that conversation can represent $500 or more spent in advertising, software, staffing, and labor. 

That’s why addiction treatment facilities and behavioral healthcare clinics need software solutions that maximize those outreach efforts by effectively connecting the facility with those in need of treatment. By turning every phone call (even abandoned ones) into a conversation, providers can shorten the time from a client’s first contact to admission and program graduation. In turn, software solutions that start conversations help address the gap between those caught in today’s addiction crises and professional treatment. 

Asana Recovery, a premier drug and rehabilitation center in Orange County, CA, partnered with CallTrackingMetrics and Rollover Rep to address their call system, marketing attribution, and training needs. By combining these two complementary software solutions for addiction treatment, Asana Recovery is able to recover opportunities to connect with clients, prevent revenue loss, and provide standout behavioral healthcare. 

To find out how, keep reading or watch the full interview with Amber Vaughan of Asana Recovery, Rollover Rep’s Tyler Laracuente of Rollover Rep, and CallTrackingMetrics’ Bryan McKinstry.

Problem: Missing Calls Cost Money. A Lot of Money.

A missed call in the addiction treatment industry is expensive. Would-be patients seeking care are, in this industry, more likely to: 

  1. Abandon a call before an agent can pick up
  2. Use a wi-fi only phone in a temporary location
  3. Reject a callback and ignore follow-up communications

A high estimate for re-engagement with a caller is only 25%. And, when each inbound call represents upwards of $500 in advertising and staffing investment, these are expensive missed opportunities. 

According to Amber Vaughan, former Director of Admissions at Asana Recovery, the facility averages 800 to 1,000 inbound calls a month and makes 4-5x that many outbound calls. With services ranging from medical detox and residential treatment to partial hospitalization, each call – both inbound and outbound – represents a crucial moment in admissions and treatment. 

To offset these costs and make the most of each call that does go through, Asana’s admissions counselors aim for a one-and-done admission call. This means that when a new client calls in, they are taken through the entire admissions process in one call – from introductions to arranging transportation and intake. 

This is designed to not only help the client receive care as fast as possible, but to also avoid the likely loss of the client if relying on a follow-up because, statistically, that follow-up will be unsuccessful. 

Solution: Combining Rollover Rep & CallTrackingMetrics to Never Miss Another Call

When considering solutions to missed calls, rejected callbacks, and the unique challenges in maintaining contact with clients suffering from addiction and behavioral health issues, hiring another admissions counselor seemed like the obvious solution.

But when Vaughan began chatting with her peers in the industry, other options presented themselves: Rollover Rep – a call overflow service for addiction treatment centers –  to cover the phones, and CallTrackingMetrics (CTM) to route calls, gather data, and focus their marketing efforts. 

When all admissions counselors are already on the phone at Asana Recovery, incoming calls are routed directly to Rollover Rep, where their trained staff take the call and complete the vetting and admissions process on behalf of Asana Recovery. 

CTM, on the other hand, provided all the data Von needed to understand call flow and pinpoint areas of opportunity. CTM could tell her team: 

  • Which ad channel the call came from
  • How the call went
  • What could have been done or said differently on the call
  • What happened to the lead after the call
  • All steps taken and recorded in their CRM

By adopting Rollover Rep to answer after-hour calls and CTM to gather data on the cadence and origin of those calls, Asana was able to double their coverage and mine even more call data. 

Results: $1 Million in Recovered Revenue Because, “We Don’t Miss Calls Anymore”

When Asana Recovery ran their numbers at the end of their first fiscal year with Rollover Rep and CTM, they discovered over $1 million in recovered revenue. 

Now, there is no need to pressure admissions counselors to rush through an admissions call – Rollover Rep’s trained staff can handle that overflow so Asana’s staff can give their full attention to helping admit and offer care to new patients. And this attention is purposeful; Vaughan reflects, “Addiction treatment shouldn’t feel like calling up for carryout.” The facility standards can remain high and agents can focus deeply on the client at hand. 

In addition to the $1 million recovered in calls by Rollover Rep, partnering with CTM allows the front-end sales and marketing teams to laser-focus on the marketing aspect of admitting clients. 

Problem: “We had numbers everywhere” | Solving for a Disorganized Call Flow

When Asana came to CTM, calls to the facility were being driven directly to admission counselors’ cell phones. If the rep could pick up on time, great – if not, there was no guaranteed way to reach that number again or to know what drove the call.

“We had numbers everywhere,” Vaughan recalls, with no real visibility and insight into where those calls were coming from. 

The unfortunate thing is that this lack of clarity is still relatively common in the addiction treatment space. As a relatively new industry, there are few standardized practices in addiction treatment and behavioral healthcare to address how facilities should operate their answering services, call tracking, and marketing attribution (let alone scale). 

Asana Recovery’s admissions and marketing team were experiencing this lack of industry standards firsthand. 

Solution: Organizing Calls and Staffing Strategically with CallTrackingMetrics 

Asana Recovery’s calls are no longer being directed to rep cellphones without insight into where those calls came from or what had driven them. With CallTrackingMetrics, incoming calls can be managed and routed appropriately, with a clear line of logic behind the call’s trajectory, both those that are answered and those that are missed.

From an administrative point of view, there is now visibility and accountability into which calls still are  missed and why. With CallTrackingMetrics’ reporting features, managers can now delve into peak calling times and answer important questions, like when are staff most likely to miss calls and how can the facility staff strategically to minimize overflow?

This helps Asana Recovery, and any facility fielding those crucial calls, to better prepare for call volume and staff call lines strategically.

Results: All the Data You Need to Scale

This easy access to robust call data is one of the things that continues to help Asana Recovery scale. Once calls are organized, tracked, attributed, and answered, managers have everything they need to run costs and analyze data for growth opportunities. 

“With CTM, I get all the data from a call I need to know – where did the call come from, how was it handled, who handled it, exactly what happened,” says Vaughan. “And since it’s plugged into my CRM, I can pull any analytics and data I need from there to support my marketing efforts, decide how to staff…there’s so much inherent value from the data [CTM] captures.”

With the information gathered from CTM, Vaughan was able to run a cost analysis model to determine: 

  1. Which marketing channel each call is coming from
  2. Particular spend in a month on that marketing channel
  3. The number of calls that ad produces

Armed with this data, Asana Recovery can optimize their marketing, adjust spend where needed, and make data-backed decisions in budgeting, staffing, and strategy.

Problem: A New Industry in Need of Standardized Training

Addiction treatment is still in relative infancy as an arm of behavioral healthcare. Leaders in the behavioral healthcare and addiction treatment space aren’t just running facilities – they are  learning, building, operating, and pioneering all at the same time. Despite the huge strides these facilities are making in creating effective treatment plans and operating successful facilities, there remains a thorny issue: lack of training standards for addiction treatment staff. 

Staffing an addiction treatment center requires a huge range of competencies, not least of which include crisis management, HIPAA compliance knowledge, and rapid client assessment. In an industry like this one, every phone call represents a major decision for someone.

As Vaughan reflects, “They’ve mustered up the courage to make that call, and I can’t imagine a worse scenario – if I put myself in their shoes – of really working yourself up to get the courage to make that call and getting a voicemail, or even worse, getting someone who’s completely ill-equipped to handle that call.”

Thankfully, together with CallTrackingMetrics and Rollover Rep, Asana Recovery is able to avoid such missteps.

Solution: CallTrackingMetrics Helps Leaders Train Staff Easily and Consistently

CallTrackingMetrics simplifies staff training with real-time reports, live listening, keyword alerts, and call coaching capabilities. 

With CTM, managers can listen in on calls in real-time and guide staff on calls when needed.  When calls touch on especially critical topics, like suicide ideation or other crises, senior staff can get an alert and hop on the call to help find resolution.

“I can have an alert that draws me into the conversation,” says Vaughan, “which provides tremendous value in staff training and preparing reps to handle admissions calls.”

These kinds of features help reps better prepare for future interactions that are sensitive or emotionally charged. As a result, Von was able to create a more robust training program, which in turn helps the facility operate more smoothly.  

Additionally, CTM’s data analytics and call reporting can help leadership in staff performance evaluations, which is especially helpful for facilities that have partnering with Rollover Rep. Managers can compare the performance of in-house reps with Rollover Rep staff to identify performance gaps and ensure greater consistency across the board.

Data like this helps addiction treatment facilities streamline their training, operations, and strategy by helping all reps—internal and external—admit clients at comparable rates. 

Results: Smoother Operations and Well-Trained Staff

With live coaching capabilities and real-time reports, managers can use CallTrackingMetrics to help their staff, trainees, and, ultimately, clients benefit from a hands-on training process. 

By combining CallTrackingMetrics with Rollover Rep, Asana Recovery was able to focus more deeply on training current staff without needing to hire more. When Vaughan monitored Rollover Rep calls for quality control prior to signing a contract, she was deeply impressed with how Rollover Rep staff understood the industry’s nuance, protected client privacy, and streamlined admissions processes. “There’s the same quality of service,” remarks Von. “They convert about the same to admissions.”

And the icing on the cake? Rollover Rep’s services were highly cost-effective. The choice was, “in every way a no-brainer for [Asana Recovery].” 

Conclusion: CallTrackingMetrics + Rollover Rep is the New Industry Standard 

Combining CallTrackingMetrics with Rollover Rep as a software package helped Asana Recovery address a multitude of needs. Now, Asana Recovery is leading the way in industry standards for data-backed decision-making in the behavioral healthcare and addiction treatment space.

“Ultimately, it can’t be overemphasized. It takes so much courage to make that call, but one of the biggest challenges is also about maintaining engagement throughout the process,” remarks Vaughan. 

By combining these platforms, Asana Recovery was able to: 

  • Recover $1 million in revenue from formerly missed calls
  • Correct gaps in the admissions, intake, and treatment process
  • Standardize a one-call close with improved training and organized overflow
  • Connect calls and conversation reporting with their CRM for full-view data analytics, call reporting, and marketing insights
  • Improve client follow up and progression from first touch point to graduation
  • Provide more comprehensive and high-touch training to new staff
  • Allow admissions counselors to fully focus on an attentive admissions process, rather than rushing intake calls to address the call waiting queue
  • Provide a higher standard of care and dignity to those suffering from addiction 

Do you work in the behavioral healthcare or addiction treatment space?

Find out why your peers overwhelmingly choose CallTrackingMetrics as their call tracking and marketing attribution provider. 

Book your demo today