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CallRail Alternatives: A Detailed Comparison to CallTrackingMetrics

Women with icons of multiple sources of data like Google suite and Salesforce.

We don’t know why you’re searching for a CallRail alternative, but we’re glad you found your way here. We have a lot of our own thoughts and feelings about why we prefer our approach to call tracking. But, even more than making us look good, we want to serve as your guide in your search for call tracking software.

So, while you’re here comparing CallTrackingMetrics vs. CallRail, we’re going to ease up on our enthusiasm (and marketing messaging) and do our best to stick to verifiable facts like third party reports and publicly available resources.

Let’s get this out of the way: CallRail is the leader in market share.

As much as we’d like to claim we’re the number one call tracking software, the truth is CallRail does have a large customer base. Excluding Google, CallRail has a solid lead in call tracking market share according to Datanyze, with CallTrackingMetrics coming just one spot below.

At a high level, CallRail is the highest rated call tracking software for small businesses and regularly earns G2 badges. Since you specifically searched out CallRail alternatives, chances are you’re not satisfied with “at a high level.” Diving into the weeds, the story is much less cut and dry.

G2 Comparison: CallTrackingMetrics vs. Callrail

For this next section, we’ll be pulling metrics and summarizing the results from this comparison on G2, with no category or market size filters applied.

The themes that emerge when looking at the details of G2’s product comparison:

  • CallRail is easier to use, and has better standard reporting
  • CallTrackingMetrics is better at conversation intelligence, call analytics, call management, and custom experiences.

Out of 65 features rated by CallRail and CallTrackingMetrics customers on G2, 54 of them favor CallTrackingMetrics. That’s over 80% of the features call tracking and conversation intelligence buyers rely on.

Here are some of the highlights:

Ease of Use
Call Recording
Call Analysis
ROI Tracking
Customer Insights
Artificial Intelligence
B2B Attribution
B2C Attribution
Custom Reporting
Conversation Intelligence
Martech Integrations

Data in the chart last updated May 2024.

Comparing CallTrackingMetrics and CallRail Pricing

Like any software purchase, price plays a big part of any final decision. For call tracking, there are typically two main components to cost:

  • Subscription fees – a fixed amount charged to access the software
  • Usage – a variable fee based on the number of minutes, phone numbers, and enhanced features used

While we’ll summarize some of the core costs associated with each platform below, full pricing is available for both CallRail and CallTrackingMetrics.

Just like the G2 comparison, pricing seems to favor CallRail – on the surface. Subscription fees for the CallRail base plan starts at $50/month, while CallTrackingMetrics starts at $79/month. The CallRail base plan also includes 5 local phone numbers and 250 local minutes.

If all you need is 5 local numbers and 250 local minutes, great! CallRail’s likely your best option. But for anyone who needs more than five numbers or anticipating growth, the cheaper a la carte usage pricing from CallTrackingMetrics becomes a much more attractive line in the budget.

Usage Pricing
Local Numbers
Local Minutes
Toll-free Numbers
Toll-free Minutes
Text (SMS) Minutes
Form Tracking
5,000 submissions included, then $.02/per form
1,000 submissions included, then $.02/per form
Global Availability
80+ countries
4 countries

Data in the chart last updated May 2024.

Review sites name CallTrackingMetrics as one of the best CallRail alternatives

#1 CallRail Alternative on G2

At the top of the list of G2’s CallRail alternatives is CallTrackingMetrics which they summarize as “better at support” and “better at meeting requirements.”

G2 CallRail Alternatives

Software Reviews Conversation Intelligence

Based directly on customer feedback, CallTrackingMetrics was named as Champion in Conversation Intelligence for the third year while CallRail earned Contenders status.

Software Reviews Report
Review sites name CallTrackingMetrics as one of the best CallRail alternatives

Highest Rated CallRail Alternative on Trustradius

Beyond the features, users on Trustradius rated CallTrackingMetrics higher for the software living up to sales & marketing promises and implementation experience.

Trustradius Comparison

Why Consider a CallRail Alternative?

CallRail’s platform is popular and can be a good fit for small businesses that need basic call tracking software. However, it’s not always the best solution for marketers and agencies who plan to scale, or have unique use cases requiring feature and integration customization.

If you’re currently a CallRail customer and looking for an alternative (or if you are new to call tracking and looking for a place to start) explore our more biased (but still true) features pages and then reach out for a demo of the platform.