
CTM Blog


Custom Fields Enhance Customization for CTM Reporting and Routing

by Laure Fisher

We are excited to announce the release of Custom Fields. Custom Fields allow users to add fields that are important to their business into CTM and use them in routing, reporting and integration flows.

Each business has particular fields of information that are essential to effectively organize their leads and customers. As many customers are using our system like a CRM, we have increasingly heard requests for the ability to capture information like Account ID, Product Line, Region etc. as part of the data that we already capture for their calls.


Admins can add up to 30 custom fields to their account. They can choose to have these fields viewable in their call log in Panels so that certain fields can be grouped into columns in their log.This makes it super easy for Agents to enter and access the critical information they need to identify the caller and enter new information.

As new fields are being added,  there is the option to have the field associated to the call or the caller. This is an important distinction as some fields may be specific to the call and others should stay with the contact and appear each time they call in. There are many different types of fields that can be added (text, number, checkbox, etc).

Once added, the fields will become part of the data associated with each call so you can evaluate calls in the context of your Custom Fields. Want to know how many calls result in scheduled appointments? How many callers are interested in a particular product line? How many calls are associated with each Sales Lead in your organization? It all becomes possible with Custom Fields.

Custom Fields and Smart Routing

Custom fields can now become triggers to use in your Smart Routing patterns. You could route all callers with a particular Account ID, Account Name, Region, Product Category, etc. to specific queue’s of people in your organization. Or, direct them to specific IVR menu’s tailored to them. Here are just a few examples:

  • You might have a premium support plan that provides customers with access to a dedicated group of engineers in your team. You could add a Custom Field indicating callers who are premium support plan customers. In your Smart Routing, you could route any callers with that flag to your premium support queue of agents.
  • You want to track appointments scheduled so you add that as a checkbox for your agents to check when the appointment has been scheduled. When those callers call in, they hear a special voice menu that directs them to reschedule their appointment, follow up on an estimate, schedule an install, etc.- since you know they already scheduled an appointment. You can then track % of callers that are turning into scheduled appointments very easily through your CTM data.
  • You want to associate sales leads to callers in CTM so you add a custom field that has a picker to select the correct sales person for each caller. You set up a Smart Route so that as calls come in, they are routed directly to the sales lead for that caller.

The possibilities are endless!


Custom Fields and Salesforce

Custom Fields also work in conjunction with your CTM/Salesforce integration. Once you create your Custom Fields in CallTrackingMetrics, you can map them to fields in Salesforce. This ensures that critical information is consistent between the two systems and any rules you have set up in SFDC around those fields will operate correctly as contacts and activities come over from CallTrackingMetrics.

Ready to get started?

Custom Fields are found in the settings menu and are available on the Advanced (Enterprise) and Elite plans.