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Unveiling the Secrets of Lead Capture and Nurturing: Key Insights from Our August 2024 Survey

by Andrew Clark

As marketers, we’re always searching for the most effective ways to capture and nurture leads. But with so many channels and strategies available, how do we know what works? We recently polled marketing professionals across various industries to shed light on this question. Below we outline the survey’s biggest takeaways and opportunities.

The Multi-Channel Approach to Lead Capture

Overall, our survey reveals that marketers are embracing a multi-channel approach to lead capture. While forms remain dominant, many are also leveraging chat, phone calls, SMS, and social lead forms. Here’s the breakdown of responses:

lead capture results graph

This diversification allows marketers to meet potential customers where they are, increasing the chances of successful lead generation.

Forms: Still the Reigning Champion

Despite the rise of new technologies, forms continue to be the most effective lead capture method for many marketers. They’re versatile, allowing for the collection of various types of leads such as:

graphic showing what types of leads get captured via forms

Key Takeaway: While it’s important to explore new lead capture methods, don’t neglect the power of well-designed, strategically placed forms on your website.

The Need for Speed in Lead Follow-up

One of the most striking findings from our survey is the emphasis on quick follow-up. 46% of respondents indicated that they aim to reach out to new leads within 1 hour of form submission. This approach was followed up by 32% of surveyed marketers connecting with prospects within 24 hours. This rapid response time can be crucial in converting leads while their interest is still fresh.

graphic showing how fast marketers respond to new leads

Key Takeaway: Implement systems and processes that allow for quick follow-up with new leads. The faster you can reach out, the higher your chances of conversion.

The Qualification Conundrum

Lead qualification remains a complex process for many marketers. Our survey showed a mix of approaches:

graphic showing how marketers qualify their leads

Each method has its pros and cons, and the best approach often depends on the specific needs and resources of the organization.

Key Takeaway: Regularly review and refine your lead qualification process. Consider a combination of automated and manual methods to ensure accuracy and efficiency.

Attribution: A Persistent Challenge

Assigning attribution to form leads continues to be a challenge for many marketers. Responses varied widely, with some relying on Google Analytics (33%), others on CRM data (27%), and still others on self-reported information from leads (20%). This diversity suggests that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to attribution.

Key Takeaway: Invest time in developing a robust attribution model that works for your specific business needs. Consider using a combination of tools and methods to get a more complete picture of your lead sources.

The Nurture Journey: A Multi-Channel Affair

After the initial touchpoint, marketers are using a variety of channels to nurture and close leads. Email remains the most popular (39%), but many are also leveraging phone calls (29%), SMS (7%), and social media direct messages (11%). This multi-channel approach to nurturing mirrors the diversification we’re seeing in lead capture methods.

Key Takeaway: Develop a nurture strategy that leverages multiple channels. This allows you to reach leads through their preferred communication methods and increases your chances of successful conversion.

Visibility into Lead Outcomes: Room for Improvement

One area where many marketers struggle is in maintaining visibility into lead outcomes. While some respondents reported full visibility from lead to close, others had limited or no visibility into what happens after a lead is passed to sales. This lack of visibility can make it difficult to refine and improve lead generation and nurturing strategies.

Key Takeaway: Work on improving communication and data sharing between marketing and sales teams. Better visibility into lead outcomes can help you refine your strategies and improve overall conversion rates.


Our survey results paint a picture of a dynamic, evolving landscape in lead capture and nurturing. While traditional methods like forms remain effective, marketers are increasingly adopting multi-channel strategies. Speed of follow-up, effective lead qualification, and improved attribution are key areas of focus.

As we move forward, the most successful professionals in this field will be those who can effectively balance these various elements, continually refining their strategies based on data and outcomes. By staying agile and embracing new technologies and methods, such as call tracking coupled with AI, we can improve our ability to not just capture leads but to nurture them effectively through conversion.

Enhance your lead generation efforts with a multifaceted approach like CallTrackingMetrics.